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5 Ways a Creative Marketing Agency Can Help You Thrive

Have you ever noticed how some businesses seem recession-proof? No matter what the economy is doing, some brands consistently come out on top. Want to know what these businesses have in common? They never stop investing in marketing.

Marketing during an uncertain economy is a nerve-wracking predicament. It may feel counter-intuitive, but we think that the best thing you can do—right now—to prepare your business for the potential recession is to double down on your marketing. That means putting more energy and creativity into promoting your products and services. This can be a risky move, but it can also pay off big time.

The good news is that we are not in a recession—yet. And the economy may surprise us. But even if the predictions come true, people will not stop buying products and services. They will be more discerning and likely spend less, but people will still invest in the products and services they count on to meet their needs. Being prepared is the key to surviving and thriving no matter what the economy is doing, and a creative marketing agency can help you get ready.

Now is the time to invest in your marketing.

For the last several weeks, we’ve been discussing the importance of marketing during a tough economy and how a marketing agency can help you. When things are uncertain, it’s tempting to cut back on expenses. But sometimes, the most important thing you can do is invest in marketing your business.

So how do you know when it’s time to go all in on your marketing? Here are a few signs it might be worth taking the plunge:

  1. Your competitors are stepping up their marketing efforts.
  2. Your sales are starting to slow down.
  3. You’re seeing a lot of negative sentiment online about your industry or sector.

If you’re seeing any of these signs, it might be time to reinvest in your marketing strategy. And by investing, we don’t necessarily mean spending more money. Simply reviewing your current marketing strategy, process, and tactics may be precisely the investment you need to make right now to identify opportunities and prepare for an uncertain future.

Be prepared for this review to reveal weaknesses or undesirable trends. This is not a bad thing! Knowing what you need to work on now will ensure that you’re strong if the economic winds start to blow in the wrong direction.

All things considered, it may be time to call on outside experts to get you over a hump. If that’s the case, keep reading to learn more about the benefits of working with a creative marketing team.

5 Ways a Creative Marketing Agency Can Help Your Thrive 

1. Fresh Eyes

Sometimes, you just need to take a step back and invite someone else to review what you’re doing. A fresh perspective can breathe life into marketing efforts that are in danger of growing stale.

Whether that’s building stronger connections with your target audience or staying top of mind with your current customers, a creative agency can help you design innovative campaigns and stand out from the competition.

Read More: Looking for Fresh Ways to Grow? Check Out These Digital Marketing Tips!

2. New Technologies

Technology has changed so much about how consumers learn about products and services and move through the buyer’s journey. In fact, this is one reason why Google is sunsetting Univeral Analytics and implementing the new and improved GA4.

Your leads may learn about your business and sign up for a free download after watching a video on their smartphone, wait two weeks, and make a purchase on their laptop. The path to purchase has never been straight, but we now know that buyers are engaging with dynamic content, mostly in the form of video content, before making a buying decision.

A creative agency will have the expertise to recognize how these trends apply in your unique context and offer actionable solutions you can implement immediately.

Case Study: Here’s Why Web Design Can Make or Break the Buyer’s Journey

3. New Tactics

Economic concerns aside; many businesses simply need to consider a more creative approach. As mentioned above, video content is practically a requirement for effective marketing. If you’re not using video in your marketing strategy, you are likely losing customers to competitors who are using video.

Video marketing is a vast discipline with multiple variations and applications. You don’t have time to waste on tactics that don’t resonate with your demographic. A creative agency will understand how to leverage video to your company’s advantage.

Read More: Video Marketing 101: From Basics to Benefits Here’s What You Need to Know

4. Better Data

In marketing, data drives the creative process. Everything you create to express your brand, from logos and websites to videos and social media posts, should be informed by proper research. Otherwise, you’re just throwing spaghetti against a wall to see if it will stick.

Creative agencies are experts in user design and user interface (UI/UX). These terms may be confusing but they are essential disciplines required for an excellent customer experience.

Read More: Want to Improve Customer Experience? Here Are Two Things You’re Forgetting

5. Compelling Content

Now is a great time to invest heavily in evergreen content. Evergreen content includes videos, blog posts, infographics, and other content that doesn’t change. Topics range from the basics about how your products and services work, to how customers do business with you, the benefits and value you provide, and other core topics upon which you’ve built your business.

Evergreen content is excellent for brand consistency and can be repurposed throughout the year, ultimately saving you time and money. Thinking ahead to 2023 and beyond, no matter how the economy plays out, what are the main things you want people to remember about your products and services? Create content around that idea, and you can use that same content for years to come.

Read More: 3 Ways Great Content and Digital Marketing Work Together to Grow Your Business

Creative marketing agencies help you stay afloat during tough times.

There is so much uncertainty in our world today; the last thing you need to be uncertain about is your marketing. A creative marketing agency can help you see new opportunities and provide the expertise required to implement new ideas successfully.

Please contact us with your marketing questions! We would love to help you dig deep now so that your marketing is secure no matter what the future may hold!