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Before You Create a Video, Start with Questions

Video’s importance to modern organizations cannot be overstated.

Many prospects prefer to consume their information in video form to the extent that they’ll ignore written materials or graphics entirely. Reports from YouTube, Forrester, ComScore, and other businesses all point to a single truth: video is growing, video is powerful, video is necessary.

90% of customers consider video useful in their decision-making process as a buyer; 75% of business executives watch relevant videos weekly, with two-thirds visiting the marketer’s site afterwards. Other stats point to incredible gains on lead generation by including video, improvements to brand perception, and stronger engagement with various market segments. All told, you can’t afford to ignore video anymore.

But before you jump into video production, it’s important to take a step back and ask a few questions.

These questions are fundamental questions to ask before you initiate your video project. You need a firm, concrete plan in place for video before you begin the process—it’s not enough to “make a video” and hope things work out, any more than you’d make a website or a brochure at random and hope for the best. Cross & Crown always asks new clients these questions; without answers to each, you can’t hope to produce worthwhile results.

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Of course, these are only a few of the questions you may want to ask about videography. Cross & Crown customers have asked many, many questions over time (we are happy to share these with you, just email us!). It’s useful to go in with a clear understanding of the realities of actors, filming, projected costs, expected ROI, etc. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

If you’re not sure exactly what questions to ask, or where you are in the video discovery process, you can take this simple needs assessment survey.

Once we receive the assessment, a member of our team will call you back and provide a complimentary 30-minute call to discuss your needs and goals and help you determine what your next steps look like. There is no obligation to purchase our services. This call is free to you.

Remember, a business doesn’t get anywhere if it’s uninformed. Ask questions internally, ask your video team questions, ask the prospects viewing your videos questions. If you jump into video without taking the time to become informed and build an understanding you can share with your content creators, you may end up producing a viral video for exactly the wrong reasons—and that won’t help grow your business in the direction that you want it to grow.