
Top 10 Countown from 2017!

January 9, 2018

We’ve taken the time to reflect on some of our favorite highlights this last year at Cross & Crown, but now it’s time to pay homage to some of your favorite blog posts of 2017. Here are your top 10 favorite posts of 2017 which account for well over 3,000 visits to the blog. Wow!

Psst, if you missed any of these posts, check them out now!

10. Six Things Every Homepage Should Have

9. How Much is a Video Really Worth to your Business?

8. The Explainer Video Explained

7. Increase Website Traffic on a Budget

6. Church Website Must Haves

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5. The 6 Types of Videos that Can Help Grow Your Business

4. How to Use a Great Logo

3. How to Create an Effective Brand Video

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2. Why We Blew Up Our Website and Started Over

And our top blog post for 2017 is…

1. Meet the New Kids on the Block

Hey thanks so much for being a part of our Cross & Crown community. We really appreciate you!

Cross & Crown

About Cross & Crown

Cross & Crown is a team of creatives who are passionate about solving problems through design and technology, taking what is there and making it better. Based in Chambersburg, PA, we strive to help educate, advocate, and thrive in a digital world.

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We drive results for work that matters.