hand touching digital tablet, social media concept
As The Buggles sang in their 1980 Album, The Age of Plastic, Video Killed the Radio Star, video continues to rise in prominence and play a critical role in both the entertainment and marketing industry.
Among the four VARK learning styles video engages its audience through aural, spatial, and reading experiences. Through these methods, it creates one of the most memorable and impactful tools online or in other digital spectrums, found in places like a subway stations rolling graphic ads.
According to the combined research of four prolific studies, the average person, regardless of age, demographics, or activity, spends four hours on their phone per day. That’s 240 minutes of potential access to video.
In general, the average American adult will spend approximately 12 hours in front of TVs and computers per day. Moreover, that’s just accounting time spent at home.
Nearly every minute, 300 hours of content is uploaded to YouTube. With 81% of businesses taking advantage of video in their marketing strategy, it’s definitely more prominent than many other social media platforms in terms of copy alone, such as Twitter’s 280 characters, where you’ll find just 71% small businesses, many of whom are inactive.
Video stimulates an entirely different part of our mind. Once a video starts, we want to know the end of the plot; hence, FOMO is a significant component of why consumers buy in. It could be because it’s part of the brand story. It’s a testimonial where your customers need to know which product or service they are an advocate. Sometimes it’s about the beauty of the cinematography. The music. The drama, the jokes, the dialogue. However, the video draws us in because it features something new. Something we can easily pass on to someone. Something easy to memorize, quote, and learn from.
While getting shares is a great objective to have, going viral shouldn’t be the primary goal.
Reaching your specific audience is number one.
Here are the steps to quantify how you can do that, beginning with hiring a professional team, so you have the most effective video.
There are many algorithms online to reach those specific audiences you desire to share with.
Age, gender, time, geographic locations, shopping habits: Pinpointing these facets for social media video clips will help you “talk” directly to your audience. While you can’t be all things to everyone, if you create content for your audience, they can pass it on for you to others on your behalf. People who aren’t in your circle yet, but are in theirs.
Your video can be the cornerstone to other marketing. Throughout all these bluescreens and flashing advertisements, from our mailbox, to the emails we subscribe to it can bleed into billboards, Instagram’s paid ads, scrolling web hero images, and more.
64% of consumers who watch videos will make a purchase or take action after watching branded material, making videos have the highest ROI in marketing.
86% of online users are using video, are you?
Nearly 50% will gain more and faster web traffic from this form of marketing, are you?
Video leads to higher click-through rates, more engagement, landing page conversions, and other crucial business growth elements. 80% of users can recall a video they viewed online last month. With 4.6 billion video ads watched online every year, it’s time to get your voice and visual out there too.
Have a product, service, or story to tell? We have a video team that is excited to collaborate with you. Reach out today so we can get your message out there on all of your social media platforms!