What Wordpress 5.0 and Other Big Changes Mean for Your Website in 2019
December 13, 2018
The new year looks to be ringing in some pretty significant shifts in the tide of web trends—particularly with Wordpress.
From algorithms to optimization, the companies that power your marketing technology and decide how your content is found by your customers are making more than a few tweaks to the way you interface with their services. This is a big deal and if you are not keeping up with the news, it may be time for a bit of website preventative maintenance.
One of the biggest changes is Wordpress 5.0, bringing with it massive upgrades to the text editor (more on that in a minute). Our team is up-to-speed on the changes and ready to help you understand how they impact your current website. The changes apply mainly to the text editor for now but the long-term plan is to slowly revamp the entire Wordpress administrative interface so these movements will have lasting implications for all Wordpress users. And if your site relies on plug-ins you really need to pay attention to what’s coming.
We know it’s a lot to digest but don’t panic! Here ‘s an overview you can use to quickly evaluate the areas to focus on first before entering 2019 full throttle.
Does Your Website Need Fine-Tuning?
If you are using Wordpress to run your website — and you probably are since its reportedly the most popular content management system in the world — you’ve probably already heard about Wordpress 5.0 or “Gutenberg” or “Bebo.” This is, in fact, the largest update the company has ever released and includes major changes to the content editor. That means that even if you’re just using Wordpress for a blog, you have changes to navigate.
The new content editor now operates off of content blocks. This is intended to give users more control over the way content appears on their site. It does make the process a bit easier, especially for those unfamiliar with coding, but it takes a minute to get used to the new interface. A big concern for current Wordpress users is how the content editor changes apply to existing content. This is where it would be helpful to have a team (like ours) walk you through the implications for your website.
In addition to Wordpress changes, Google Mobile Standards are always improving and if you do not comply, you could feel the pain with lower search results. You may say, “but we already have a responsive, mobile-friendly site!” but do you really? Have you checked into things like slow-loading mobile pages with content that won’t play, blocked scripts and faulty redirects? If that just left you with questions then you should give us a call.
For a limited time, we are offering a website audit for $249.
Is Your Digital Phonebook out of date?
Incorrect business listings can cause a frustrating customer experience and hurt your search rankings. Over 85% of our customers have found out of date or wrong information in online directories. This is costing you calls and causing frustration with people looking for you.
We now offer a white glove service for you where we can update over 150 directories with the correct information which will lessen frustration and boost your SEO efforts!
For a limited time offer, we can do this update service for $499.
Confused? We Can Help!
We have said before, just because you build it doesn’t mean they’ll come. And just because they’re coming now doesn’t mean they’ll still be able to find you as marketing technology keeps changing. The easiest way to navigate through all changes and trends is to find a team you trust to stay on top of it for you. We would love to be the team you choose to help you give your digital marketing the tune-up it needs to thrive in 2019. Let us know how we can help!