Marketing + Web
3 Ways Web Design and Marketing Work Together to Grow Your Business
January 27, 2023
3 minutes

It always seems like one thing leads to another in life. You head to the grocery to pick up a fresh supply of kombucha and come home with a bag full of Ghirardelli and Peanut M&Ms (a somewhat healthy snack).
Something similar often happens when it comes to web design and marketing. Many of our clients who work with us to craft a killer website for their company come back later for help in other areas.
In this post, we’ll explore the symbiotic relationship between web design and digital marketing. So pop some chocolate in your mouth and read on!
Web Design and Marketing
Web design and marketing go together like peas and carrots, salt and pepper, peanut butter and jelly, fish and chips, or Ben and Jerry. When designed correctly, a handcrafted website is an integral component of a successful marketing strategy.
Many companies (and more than a few fly-by-night freelancers) can put together a website for you. In fact, companies like Wix, Weebly, and Squarespace specialize in providing a platform for you to do it yourself.
In our years working in web design and marketing, we’ve seen a pretty wide range of sites, from cringe-worthy DIY pages to ultra-bougie ones that just look pretty. We believe you deserve a website design that is attractive, functional, secure, and effective at converting browsers into buyers.
The way you communicate your brand or service should be as memorable in the marketplace as the product or service itself! That’s why we also see your website as an essential tool in your marketing toolbox.
A robust website is the hub around which the rest of your marketing revolves. Other elements like video, social media, and graphic design become powerful spokes in the wheel when they can point people back to a good site. And when all of those elements are in play together, your marketing can get traction and pick up momentum you wouldn’t otherwise have.
Read more:
- Digital Marketing 101: Invest Heavily in These Tactics for Big Long-Term Payoffs
- Tips for Creating Effective Marketing Campaigns That Will Engage Your Audience and Produce Results
1. Marketing With Video
Marketing with video is becoming a must-have when it comes to your overall digital strategy. Thanks to platforms like YouTube, not to mention social media (more on that in a minute), video can quickly draw people into your world in a way that static images and graphics simply can’t.
Today’s consumers are on the go with their phones in hand. They generally prefer their content to be quick and easy on the eyes instead of a wall of words that takes a while to digest. Even blog post readers typically scan and skim rather than carefully read line-by-line. (You’re the exception, though, since you’re seeing this.)
Website statistics show that most visitors “bounce” (leave the page) after 54 seconds. That makes it really challenging to get your message across. Video, however, gives them more of a reason to stick around. You can go a long way in creating a solid connection with those viewers by including relevant content to compliment your blog post or videos that help describe your products, services, or buying process.
Also, the more people engage with your webpage, the higher it will rank on the search engine results page (SERP)… which drives more people to your site… which boosts your ranking… which drives more people…(see the pattern?) All of which help you make more sales and grow your business.
Read more:
- Planning to Use Video Marketing in 2023? Here’s Why You Should Hire a Pro
- Want More Traffic and Leads from Social Media? Try Brand Videos!
2. Social Media Marketing
The world of social media can be a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it allows you to deliver content directly to your customers on platforms where they spend a lot of time. On the other hand, managing all those different social outlets (and their wide range of styles, posting requirements, and best practices) can be a real headache. It’s enough to make a busy small business owner wonder if it’s really worth it!
We believe it is, and it can be an incredibly effective part of your overall marketing strategy. If your online presence is strictly limited to just your website alone, you’re missing easy opportunities to reach a ton of potential customers.
We also believe that you should be able to maximize the value of social media while minimizing the stress involved in using it. Most of the time in digital marketing, it’s not how much you use social media; it’s how well you use it. That’s where the power of video comes in.
As we mentioned above, quick, relevant video content is an engaging way to attract and inform your customers. That’s why we regularly encourage our clients to use these 5 social media video marketing strategies to help grow their businesses.
- Brand videos
- How-to videos
- Reviews and comparisons
- Testimonials
- Animation and motion graphics
Social media can do something that no other tool can for your marketing plan: build two-way relationships. As you reach out to your audience and they reach back to you, you form a connection (dare I say a bond?!) that can propel your business forward.
The problem is finding the time to do it right. Keeping up with all the logistics can be overwhelming. That’s where we come in. We can manage things for you, help you create content, or simply come alongside with plans you can implement on your own. If social media is something you’re struggling with, read more about 10 best practices you can do today at the link below.
Read more: Social Media Management 101
3. Graphic Design
It is a well-established fact that good graphic design is a cornerstone of effective marketing. When building a brand, you need marketing to make your brand noticeable and memorable. As marketing and business guru Donald Miller is fond of saying: “marketing is an exercise in memorization.”
When customers encounter your brand’s logo, imagery, or color scheme, you want them to immediately think of you with tons of positive feels. From the first impression to the subconscious recall when they encounter the problem that your company solves, memorable graphic design can make all the difference.
Too many companies focus heavily on generating killer marketing strategies and fail to give much time or attention to creating compelling graphic design elements to go with them. Others spend way too much time coming up with artwork that would make Picasso jealous and forget to make a plan to present it to the masses.
Good graphic design and digital marketing go hand-in-hand when your visual content helps deliver your message clearly so that people are motivated to respond. Then, those leads convert to sales as people are moved along through the buyers journey.
Read more: How Graphic Design and Marketing Work Together to Grow Brand Awareness and Generate Leads
Your Guide to Great Web Design And Digital Marketing
Still kicking the tires on hiring a digital marketing company? We get it. Deciding who to trust with your marketing is a big decision. If that’s you, check out this post on “5 Ways a Creative Marketing Agency Can Help You Thrive.”
A lot of clients come to us for one simple website project and end up partnering with us for a wide range of digital marketing solutions.
We’re a full-service digital marketing agency based in Chambersburg, PA, but local to everywhere, thanks to the magic of the Internet. And we deliver that local small-town vibe and craftsmanship to every client we serve. We might be around the world, but you’ll feel like we’re across the street.
Learn more about how we can help you pull these online elements together. We provide services including web, video, branding, and marketing that help your company thrive in a digital world.
Then schedule a meeting when you’re ready to start winning with your online presence and grow your business!