Case Study

World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day

November 10, 2014

One of our favorite things about what we do as a company is being able to come alongside organizations that are doing incredible, life-changing work! CURE International is one of those.  We recently had the privilege to partner with them again by animating this powerful video.

The text is a poem that is read in the video by children overcoming spina bifida and hydrocephalus in Uganda, in celebration of World Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Day. These kids are beautiful and precious — and their stories have changed forever because of CURE International.

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Cross & Crown

About Cross & Crown

Cross & Crown is a team of creatives who are passionate about solving problems through design and technology, taking what is there and making it better. Based in Chambersburg, PA, we strive to help educate, advocate, and thrive in a digital world.

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