Case Study + Video
Case Study: How CCEF Used Film to Reach More People & Get Over 20,000 Views
October 11, 2017

Often our customers will ask how, specifically, we have helped other organizations like theirs be more successful.
So over the next few months, we will be sharing several behind-the-scenes case studies with you. Today’s case study outlines our work with the Christian Counseling And Educational Foundation (CCEF).
Part I: Background info on CCEF
We were introduced to CCEF from our friends at Westminster Theological Seminary. CCEF was founded in 1968 and stands in a long tradition of pastoral care – they set the standard for Christian counseling. CCEF has an office near Philadelphia and exist to restore biblical methods of counseling to the church.
Part II: CCEF’s Challenge
CCEF had a long history of inconsistent results working with past digital and marketing vendors. They were really looking for a partner who they could trust to share the story of their national conference theme for 2017, Family.
Because of past experiences with vendors that were not positive, CCEF approached our team with caution. We knew our first order of business was to demonstrate that we understood both the ethos, identity, and goals of their organization, so we set out to do just that.
Part III: The Solution
We had several discovery meetings with the CCEF team to uncover what made their organization unique from other counseling foundations and what helped them impact their target audience. We wanted to present their story in a compelling, unique, and persuasive way that would really grab the attention of their primary audience: Christian Counselors and Pastors.
We shared ideas and approaches to reach their audience, helping them understand the reasoning behind our approach, and the CCEF and Cross & Crown teams settled on one that made sense for their project.
The influencer voices at CCEF were the best sources of both story for CCEF, so we set up a day of filming to capture their voices. We had prepped the influencers with a list of questions and a general outline, but in some cases, it was the unexpected, impromptu stories that the influencers had that were most compelling.
In one day, we captured so much quality footage that we were able to create multiple mini-videos for promotional use prior to the event, as well as a primary lead-in video to use at the beginning of the event.
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Part IV: The Results
Prior to the event, the videos were shared on social media and the CCEF website. Notable statistics include: over 20,000 views. All of the promotional videos were received well with high levels of social engagement which helped propel the awareness of the national conference.
The video can be seen here:

But perhaps the greatest win was earning the trust of the CCEF organization. Their team went from skeptical, to curious, to engaged with our team. Based on the success of these videos, we have worked on other successful video projects with CCEF after this project.