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Maximize Alumni Giving Potential With Digital Fundraising Videos

Summer is the hot time for private schools working on annual fundraising appeals. K-12 private and independent schools across the country spend countless hours gathering statistics, making connections, and perfecting themes designed to educate and engage alumni on the importance of annual giving.

Alumni outreach events, annual fund solicitation letters, and other tried and true methods of fundraising may work well enough, but fundraising videos pack a more powerful punch for several reasons that we’ll explore in this blog post.

Videos are proven to be the most effective marketing tactic in today’s economy. Marketing authorities and influencers everywhere are talking about the necessity of using video in your marketing strategies. For example, videos increase traffic to your website, bring more leads into your donor pipeline, and overall, deliver a huge return on your investment. There’s no question that video marketing works for business, but can digital marketing videos work for private schools, too? We think so! Here’s why:

Are Fundraising Videos Good for Private Schools?

We’ve had the opportunity to work with several private schools to create digital fundraising videos that have more longevity and bolster annual fundraising efforts in big ways. Adding visual elements to your words reminds alumni about the value they experienced during their years at your school. Motion graphics, videos, and music all impact the memory in different ways and will help your message stick in the minds of the people you’re trying to reach.

It’s no secret that people love stories. From ancient times until now, storytelling is the primary way information has been passed from generation to generation. Our brains are wired to remember stories better than facts presented on their own. Pairing the important messages of your annual giving campaign with visual elements and relevant music significantly increases the chances that your message will be remembered and shared by your audience.

We’ve seen this play out time and time again with our clients. Adding video to marketing campaigns always garners a larger ROI. You can see several examples of this and access case studies about video marketing on our video services page. Here are some reasons why fundraising videos developed specifically for private schools can give your annual giving campaign a big boost.

Digital fundraising videos help viewers digest and remember important information.

Your alumni audience is composed of many different personas who digest information in various ways. In marketing, we use personas to sketch real-life examples of the people you are trying to reach. You’ve probably heard that there are three primary learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Using videos in your giving campaigns touches all three learning styles.

We won’t wade too deep into the science of it all, but there have been multiple studies conducted on how videos have a more powerful impact on our brains. The gist of it is this: stories create “sticky” memories by attaching emotions to things that happen. In fact, one study demonstrated that linking visual storytelling to charitable giving dramatically increases donations. It’s clear that adding compelling visuals to your numbers will help more people remember what you’re trying to say.

(Learn More: Here’s Why Video Brings Life to Your Digital Marketing Strategy)

Digital fundraising videos help alumni feel more connected.

Annual giving campaign videos for private schools are generally heavy on motion graphics because there are many statistics and numbers that must be communicated. But in addition to this, incorporating video testimonials into these campaigns helps to bring gaps between generations and help diverse audiences feel more connected to the mission of the organization.

Testimonial videos can help you establish credibility, build trust, highlight benefits, and cast vision for your organization. Furthermore, testimonials from students, faculty, parents, and other alumni can help you make a meaningful connection with those harder-to-reach audiences.

(Learn More: Examples of Effective Customer Testimonial Videos)

Digital fundraising videos can be shared in multiple ways.

One of the most important benefits of using digital videos in your giving strategy is that you increase the opportunities for your audience to see your message. Some of your alumni may see the videos on social media. Others may click on a video from an email newsletter. Ensuring that each of your personas has several touchpoints to your message improves your chances of moving them to take action.

Here are a few additional ways that one fundraising video can be used:

The purpose of the fundraising videos is to lead people to give to your school’s annual fund. Giving them several ways to see, hear, and read about the need increases the likelihood that they will make a plan to give.

(Learn More: 7 Ways to Repurpose Video Content Across Platforms)

Digital fundraising videos can show specific needs and how donations will be used.

Seeing the impact their donation will make will engage more donors. In fact, videos have 90% more conversion than marketing campaigns without video. Seeing is believing and digital videos will give your school the chance to show people the impact their donation will have on future generations.

Written stories are great, pictures are still worth a thousand words, but videos create story-loops in the minds of viewers that move them to take action. If you have a specific need that must be highlighted, showing viewers that need will help you communicate what’s at stake and help them see how their donation will make a difference.

(Read More: Video Marketing: How To Stop The Scroll and Get Your Customer’s Attention)

Need More Digital Fundraising Ideas That Work For Private Schools?

Videos are a wonderful addition to your overall marketing strategy and brand identity, but the process of producing these videos can be overwhelming. Learning new terminology and familiarizing yourself with the process can provide clarity and help the project run smoothly.

If you have questions or want to learn more about our video production process please don’t hesitate to contact us. We work with clients of all types and sizes and have experience creating videos that help organizations like yours accomplish their goals.

Let’s schedule a meeting today and get started on your new digital video project!